ELAC - English Learner Advisory Committee

For more information please contact Mrs. Myra Perdomo-Melendez, Vice Principal directly at 858-397-6600, ext. 3002 or email at [email protected]

At Montgomery, the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) mission is to improve the communication between school and the student's family, building up parent efficiency and increasing parent participation by educating parents about current educational topics.

The ELAC main role is to advise the principal and staff in the following areas:

  • Advises the principal and staff on the School Program for English Learners

  • Advises the SSC on The Development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement

  • Assists in developing parent awareness of the importance of school attendance

  • Develops and implements a Site English Learner Needs Assessment

  • Reviews The School's Annual Language Census

Please let us know your suggestions for topics or programs of interest that you would like ELAC to discuss.

ELAC invites you to join with us to make a difference in the education and quality of life for our children. We need your input and involvement. Involvement at the school makes it easier to establish friendships with teachers and other parents. Your involvement can make a difference in your child's education with better grades and fewer discipline problems. We promise your time will be worth your while!

We look forward to having you join us!

Please click here to access the 2020-2021 ELAC Meeting Agendas and Presentations.

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